June 29, 2020

SiX Applauds June Medical Services v. Russo Decision Striking Down Harmful Abortion Restriction

Justices uphold precedent, but work remains to ensure abortion access improves in the states.

Denver, CO -- The United States Supreme Court, by a decision of 5-4, upheld precedent and threw out a restrictive Louisiana law requiring admitting privileges for abortion providers. This is the Court’s first major abortion decision since the addition of conservative Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

State Innovation Exchange’s (SiX) Vice President of Reproductive Rights Kelly Baden issued the following statement:

“Today, the Supreme Court did what it was obligated to do - uphold precedent. It’s an important victory but it’s not the whole story. Hundreds of state-level abortion restrictions are in effect around the country, pushing abortion care out of reach for far too many people. 

“As our country struggles to provide even the most basic health care protections for its citizens during a global pandemic, and as we face a long-overdue reckoning of our country’s systemic racism, it’s not enough to just settle for the crumbs of a decades-old Supreme Court decision on abortion, one that already leaves out those most marginalized and people of color. 

“As an organization that works with thousands of state legislators around the country, we are pushing our vision for a world where everyone is able to receive the abortion care they need and create their families without barriers and fear. That world involves a government that treats abortion as health care, and a culture that respects each of us to make decisions about parenting and pregnancy free from violence, shame, and political interference.”


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