
About SiX

SiX works through the power of state legislators to lead boldly and decisively, driving progressive change that truly serves and represents the people.

We are committed to building a network of state legislators who are united in their vision of a better future. Through policy support, strategic advice, and capacity-building, we help create a more resilient, inclusive, and democratic society.

Collaboration enhances public engagement by bringing together diverse voices and perspectives. When people see a united front of communities and elected leaders working together, it builds credibility and inspires public trust and support. SiX's collaborative approach encourages public participation and advocacy, mobilizing to get involved, take action, and support progressive policies.


SiX envisions a future in which deeply collaborative efforts among elected officials, their constituents, and civil society leaders help create the conditions for racial, gender, social, and economic justice for all.


We make collaborative governance the dominant practice among state legislators as they govern in partnership with their constituents and civil society leaders. Collaborative governance transforms the conditions of power for people who have historically faced systemic barriers to wielding their full agency in governance processes. As a result, our governance systems will advance racial, gender, social, and economic justice for all.
“[SiX’s] mission really did fill a void. There is no basic school in how to be a legislator, in making policies, and even how to build a network.”
Rep. Stephanie Howse
Ohio State Representative

Featured Press

Inside a Push to Build Power Where Change Can Happen Quickly—State Legislatures
Have Democrats Found Their ALEC?
The New Republic
“Now more than ever our country needs bold progressive leaders, but it’s hard to be a bold progressive leader by yourself. You need the resources. And that’s what SiX does.”
Sen. Faith Winter
Colorado State Senator

Who is SiX?

SiX is a national organization dedicated to empowering state legislators to lead boldly with their communities and make transformative changes. By providing policy support, strategic guidance, and fostering collaboration, SiX helps legislators create policies that protect rights, promote equity, and ensure a sustainable future for all. Join us in building a more just and equitable America, state by state.
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