Kirsten Harris-Talley
Former State Representative for the diverse 37th LD, formerly Seattle City Council Member
Alexis Anderson-Reed
Executive Director, State Voices
Tamieka Atkins
Executive Director, ProGeorgia
Brian Weeks
Political Director, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
Cathy Duvall
Founder, Democracy Ascent Advisors
Erin Maye Quade
Minnesota State Senator from Senate District 56 (Apple Valley, Rosemount, Eagan) and former Minnesota State Representative
Liz Dupee
Deputy Director, Strategic Partnerships and Mothering Justice
Nadra Franklin
International Development and Social Impact Leader
Sarah Johnson
Former Executive Director, Local Progress
Tamara Toles O’Laughlin
President and CEO, Environmental Grantmakers Association
Hon. Joseph Salazar
Former CO State Rep. & Legal Counsel, Adams 14 School District