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Kendra Kimbirauskas

Senior Director, Agriculture and Food Systems

Kendra serves as the Senior Director of Agriculture and Food Systems at SiX. Kendra oversees SiX’s rural, sustainable agriculture and food systems work. She works with national staff at SiX as well as in-state and national partners to promote progressive agriculture policies and legislation in key states across the country. In this position, Kendra brings nearly two decades of experience in agricultural policy and rural organizing to her role. She grew up on a Michigan dairy farm and before coming to SiX  served as Chief Executive Officer at the Socially Responsible Agriculture Project. Kendra has experience working alongside citizen groups, environmental advocates, and sustainable agriculture organizations to shape ecologically-responsible farm and food policies at the state level. Kendra co-founded what is now Oregon’s most influential small farm advocacy organization, Friends of Family Farmers, and served as the group’s registered lobbyist for three legislative sessions. Kendra spent time working as a community organizer with the Sierra Club in Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota and Oregon. She also worked as a grassroots organizer for the Illinois Stewardship Alliance and served as the Program and Communications Director for the Oregon League of Conservation Voters. Kendra and her husband live and farm in Scio, Oregon where they raise beef cattle, hogs, goats, and poultry on pasture. When not working or farming, Kendra can usually be found in the garden, riding her horse or playing with her dogs.

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