Siena has over 15 years experience in agriculture and food systems policy, advocacy, and writing. Prior to joining SiX, she worked as a consultant for clients including Farm Aid, Real Food Challenge, and Illinois Stewardship Alliance. Siena is the author of National Family Farm Coalition’s proposed federal Milk from Family Dairies Act, as well as major reports on corporate consolidation for ActionAid USA and industrial livestock production for FoodPrint. Her writing has appeared in Civil Eats, Business Insider, Modern Farmer, and numerous regional newspapers. After graduating from Mount Holyoke College, Siena worked as Legislative Assistant to Massachusetts State Representative David Linsky, before beginning her food systems career at WhyHunger in New York City. She grew up in rural Massachusetts and has lived in Brooklyn, New York, for 20 years, where a community garden, relationships with farmers, and regular travel out of the city keep her connected to the land and rural life. She is currently working on a book about the 1980s farm crisis and the history of rural progressive activism.